4. Template generation

In order to create an application from a Robin bundle one needs to provide an appropriate application template JSON. Robin allows one to natively generate a template for a specified bundle to ease this process. Often run-time configurations/parameters need to be specified during application deployment such that they override the defaults that present in the bundle manifest file. As a result, one can pass in an optional input YAML wherein these modifications are specified so as to create template with these customized values in place.

Topics covered in this section include:

robin template generate

Generate a application template from a bundle

4.1. User Input YAML

A definitive input YAML is shown below with all the possible values that can be specified. Comments detailing the purpose of each variable are provided in-line.

# This is a sample YAML file which can be used as an input to generate
# a ROBIN template from a bundle to create ROBIN applications.
# Use only the keys that are required for your application.

# Name of the app
name: "appname"

# Resource pool
rpool: "default"
# VNC required ?
vnc: false

# Set restart count for Robin AP to try re-deploying VNodes
# for failed applications
restart_num: 5

# Array of IPPools
ippools: ["robin-default"]

# Appvars
    key1: "value1"
    key2: "value"

# Resource groups
- name: scan1
  count: 1
  attributes: {}
- name: scan2
  count: 1
  attributes: {}

# Set snapshot schedule for app
  cron: 10 * * * *
  retain: 2

# App is numa aware
numa_aware: null

# Docker Registry Name (Can be overriden at the role level)
registry: "Internal"

# Default replication factor (Can be overriden at the role level)
replication: 1

# Default faultdomain (Can be overriden at the role level)
faultdomain: null

# NO rootfs for the entire app (Can be overriden at the role level)
norootfs: false

# Rootfs size for the entire app (Can be overriden at the role level)
rootfs_size: null

# Media for the entire app (Can be overriden at the role level)
media: HDD

# App snapshot space percent for the entire app (Can be overriden at the role level)
snap_reserved: 20

# Add global option to skip creation of K8S headless service as a part of Robin App creation
skip_headless_service: True

# Set the network policy scope for an application. Valid values include: "allow-all", "namespace", "tenant", "user", "app", "deny-all"
# If not specified the default value is "allow-all"
network_policy_scope: "namespace"

# ROLES section. An array of roles.
# Please make sure the role names match exactly the role names
# present in the application bundle being used
- name: role1  # Replace this with an actual role in the bundle
  # Number of vnodes in the Role
  multinode_value: 2

  # Number of Vnode restart attempts to be done by Robin AP
  # This role level setting overrides the global restart_num setting listed above
  restart_num: 2

  # No root fs for this role
  norootfs: true

  # root fs size for this role
  rootfs_size: "10G"

  # If role has candisable in bundle and user wants to disable role1
  disabled: true

  # Add role level option to skip creation of K8S headless service as a part of Robin App creation
  # This option will overide the global level skip_headless_service option
  skip_headless_service: True

  # dual_stack option can be used for OVS dual stack clusters to have a 1:1 mapping between
  # pod hostnames and IP addresses
  dual_stack: True

  # shareProcessNamespace option can be used to enable process namespace sharing where processes in a container
  # are visible to all other containers in that pod.
  shareProcessNamespace: True

  # skip_global_ippool option allows users to skip adding global IP pool to role vnodes network section
  # during application creation. By default, Robin will add the global ippool to all role's vnode network section
  skip_global_ippool: True

  # Set the network policy scope for vnodes created as part of this role.
  # Valid values include: "allow-all", "namespace", "tenant", "user", "app", "deny-all"
  # This role level option will override the value for the global setting for this option
  network_policy_scope: namespace

  # Role specific ippools with customizable parameters
  # These are seperate from the global IP pool which is defined as the first ippool at the app level
  # name (optional) parameter per ip pool will be used to map Robin IP pool names
  # to NET names defined in the bundle manifest YAML files
  # primary (optional) parameter per ip pool will be used to support Robin feature to configure
  # multiple IPs on a single pod interface. This feature is only supported with OVS and SR-IOV IP pools
  # trust (optional) parameter per SR-IOV ip pool will be used to have trust enabled for SR-IOV VFs Default: off
  # spoofchk (optional) parameter per SR-IOV ip pool will be used to have sppofchk enabled/disabled for SR-IOV VFs. Default: on
  # bond_mode (optional) parameter per SR-IOV ip pool will be used to set bonding mode. Used with bond CNI. Default: active-backup
  # mtu (optional) parameter will be used to set custom MTU configuration per IP pool
  # staic_macs (optional) per ip pool will be used to set static MAC addresses for each Pod/Vnode
  # static_ips (optional) per ip pool will be used to set static IP addresses for each Pod/Vnode
  # tags (optional) per SR-IOV ip pool will be used to select NICs based on key/value pair passed
  - ippool: private
    static_ips: ["", ""]
    static_macs: ["02:0b:0c:11:22:33", "02:0b:0c:11:32:44"]
    name: fronthaul
    trust: on
    bond_mode: active-backup
    spoofchk: off
    mtu: 1500
  - ippool: pool-2
    name: midhaul
    trust: on
    bond_mode: active-backup
    spoofchk: off
    mtu: 1500
      name: sriov0
  - ippool: pool-3
    name: fcaps
  - ippool: pool-4
    static_ips: [""]
  - ippool: pool-5
    static_ips: ["", ""]
 - ippool: test-primary-pool
 - ippool: test-secondary-pool
   primary: test-primary-pool

  # Tolerations to be added to VNodes within a role for an application
  # to tolerate node taints.
  # This can be used to add new tolerations to a bundle manifest role
  # apart from any tolerations already specified in the bundle.
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: node-role.kubernetes.io/agent

  # Labels to be added to VNodes within a role for an application.
  # This can be used to add new labels to a bundle manifest role
  # apart from labels already specified in the bundle
    labelkey1: labelvalue1
    labelkey2: labelvalue2

  # Compute inputs for the role.
  # Value for terminationGracePeriodSeconds to be used in K8S pod spec
  grace_period_seconds: 60

  # This is the main container without name
  - image: "imgname:imgversion"
    imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
      isol: true # Used for isol-shared/isol-dedicated workloads
      nonisol: true # Used for non-isol workloads
      reserve: true # Used for isol-dedicated
      min: 2.5 # Used for minimum number of CPU cores
      max: 2.5 # Used for maximum number of CPU cores
    memory: "8G"
    hugepages-1Gi: "0"
    hugepages-2Mi: "0"
      count: 2
      type: "nvidia-a100"
    # Env customization for the main container.
      key5: value5
      key6: value6
    # Specify container <-> host ports mapping (only for main app container pod spec)
    - containerPort: 80
      hostPort: 8099
      protocol: TCP
  - name: side1
    image: "imgname:imgversion"
    imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    cpu: "8"
    memory: "8G"
    hugepages-1Gi: "0"
    hugepages-2Mi: "0"
    # Env customization for the sidecar container.
    # Users should be able to update existing ENV variables
    # as well as add new ENV variables for sidecar containers
      key1: value1
      key2: value2
  - name: init1
    image: "imgname:imgversion"
    imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    cpu: "8"
    memory: "8G"
    hugepages-1Gi: "0"
    hugepages-2Mi: "0"
    # Env customization for the init container.
    # Users should be able to update existing ENV variables
    # as well as add new ENV variables for init containers
      key3: value3
      key4: value4

  # Hostnames for the vnodes in this role inputs for the role.
  hostnames: ["h1", "h2"]

  # Registry to use for this role.
  registry: null

  # Role and Vnode level service definitions
  # Only existing service definitions in Robin bundles will be updated
  # as part of services section here. No new services will be added to the bundle
  - type: NodePort
      l1: v1
      l2: v2
      a1: av1
      a2: av2
    scope: pod
    - port: 80
      protocol: TCP
      name: web
      node_port: 30000
  - type: ClusterIP
      l1: v1
      l2: v2
      a1: av1
      a2: av2
    - port: 80
      protocol: TCP
      name: web

  # Storage customization per volume type. One entry per voltype
      count: 3
      blocksize: 4096
      compression: "disabled"
      fstype: "ext4"
      size: "10G"
      snap_reserved: 20
      encryption: "chacha20"
      replication: 3
      faultdomain: "host"
      fstype: "ext4"
      media: "HDD"
      qos_enabled: False,
      qos_priority: 1,
      qos_rd_max_iops: 2000000,
      qos_rd_min_iops: 0,
      qos_rd_min_window: 500,
      qos_rd_weight: 1,
      qos_wr_max_iops: 2000000,
      qos_wr_min_iops: 0,
      qos_wr_min_window: 500,
      qos_wr_weight: 1
      count: 3
      size: 2G

  # Placement constraints for this role. One of the following 4 can be given
  placeon_different_nodes_on_same_rack: false
  placeon_different_nodes_on_different_rack: false
  round_robin_across_different_racks: false
  round_robin_across_different_datacenters: false

  # Antiaffinity for this role. One of the following 3 can be enabled
  anti_affinity_on_host: false
  anti_affinity_on_rack: false
  anti_affinity_on_datacenter: false

  # Compute and storage affinity for this role. One of the 3 can be enabled
  compute_storage_on_same_node: false
  compute_storage_on_same_rack: false
  compute_storage_on_same_datacenter: false

  # Place the vnodes of this role matching host tags
    worker: "worker2"
    floor: "first"

  # Colocate this role with other roles in the application. One of the 3 can be enabled
  colocate_with_roles_on_host: ["role2", "role3"]
  colocate_with_roles_on_rack: ["role4", "role5"]
  colocate_with_roles_on_datacenter: ["role6"]

  # Do colocate this role with other roles in the application. One of the 3 can be enabled
  donot_colocate_with_roles_on_host: ["role4", "role5"]
  donot_colocate_with_roles_on_rack: ["role6"]
  donot_colocate_with_roles_on_datacenter: []

# Role 2
- name: role2  # Replace this with an actual role in the bundle
  multinode_value: 2

# Role 3
- name: role3  # Replace this with an actual role in the bundle
  multinode_value: 2

# Role 4
- name: role4  # Replace this with an actual role in the bundle
  multinode_value: 2


It is not necessary to include all roles in the bundle as a part of the input file; one can customize values for particular roles and use default bundle values for the others.

4.2. Generating a Template

In order to generate an application template for a specific bundle with run time configurations, issue the following command:

# robin template generate <bundleid>
                          --input <input_yaml>


Id of Application Bundle to generate a template for

--input <input_yaml>

Input file containing custom run time values


Display the resulting template as it would be shown in the Robin UI


Display the resulting template in a tabular format

Example 1 (Custom values for multiple roles):

# cat user-input-demo.yaml
appname: "elk1"
- name: data_node
  multinode_value: 5
  - cpu: 8
    memory: 8G

# robin template generate 3 --input user-input-demo.yaml --table
Role                  | Engine | Image                                               | Vnodes | Cpu    | Mem      | Network       | Storage(Vols/Size)
data_node             | docker | docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.6.2 | 5      | 8 (40) | 8G (40G) | robin-default | 1/200G (5/1000G)
dedicated_master_node | docker | docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.6.2 | 1      | 1 (1)  | 1G (1G)  | robin-default | 1/200G (1/200G)
kibana                | docker | docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:6.6.2               | 1      | 1 (1)  | 1G (1G)  | robin-default | -
logstash              | docker | docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:6.6.2           | 1      | 1 (1)  | 1G (1G)  | robin-default | 1/10G (1/10G)
master_eligible_node  | docker | docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.6.2 | 1      | 1 (1)  | 1G (1G)  | robin-default | 1/200G (1/200G)
                      |        |                                                     |        |        |          |               |
Total                 |        |                                                     | 9      | 44     | 44G      |               | 8/1T

Example 2 (Custom values for networking attributes):

# cat input-static-ips-pools.yaml
appname: "ovs-staticips-app"
media: HDD
ippools: ["ovs-1"]
  - name: server
    multinode_value: 2
    - ippool: ovs-1
    - ippool: ovs-2
      static_ips: ["", ""]
    - ippool: ovs-3
      static_ips: ["", ""]
      static_macs: ["02:0b:0c:11:22:33", "02:0b:0c:11:32:44"]

# robin template generate 1 --input-static-ips-pools.yaml --table
Role   | Engine | Image             | Vnodes | Cpu   | Mem         | Network           | Storage(Vols/Size)
server | docker | robinsys/centos:7 | 2      | 1 (2) | 200M (400M) | ovs-1,ovs-2,ovs-3 | 2/2G (4/4G)
       |        |                   |        |       |             |                   |
Total  |        |                   | 2      | 2     | 400M        |                   | 4/4G


Users can also create applications by directly specifying the input YAML file in place of the template JSON in the robin app create from-bundle command.