19. Command Line Interface Cheatsheet

19.1. Application Specific Commands

19.1.1. Managing Applications

robin app create

Creates an app from a Robin template, K8S selectors, snapshot or backup

robin app delete

Deletes an app

robin app attach-repo

Attaches an external storage repo (S3, GCS, …) to an app

robin app detach-repo

Detaches a previously attached repo

robin app list

Lists all applications

robin app info

Provides detailed information about an appr

robin app register

Registers any generic Kubernetes App or Operator with Robin

robin app unregister

Unregisters any generic Kubernetes App or Operator from Robin

robin app snapshot-schedule

Configures the snapshot schedules of an app

robin app backup-schedule

Configures the backup schedules of an app

robin app restore

Restores an application from a snapshot or backup

robin app stop

Stops an application

robin app restart

Restarts an application

robin app share

Shares an application with one or more users

robin app unshare

Stops sharing an application with one or more users

19.1.2. Managing Application Snapshots

robin snapshot create

Takes a snapshot of an application

robin snapshot delete

Deletes one or more snapshots of an application

robin snapshot info

Shows detailed information about a specific snapshot

robin snapshot list

Lists snapshots for one or more applications

robin snapshot restore

Restores an application snapshot from a backup

robin snapshot share

Shares an application snapshot with one or more users

robin snapshot unshare

Stops sharing an application snapshot with one or more users

19.1.3. Managing External Storage Repositories

robin repo register

Registers a new external storage repository (S3, GCS, …)

robin repo unregister

Deletes a repo

robin repo list

Lists all repos

robin repo info

Shows details about a specific repo

robin repo contents

Shows the contents of a repo

robin repo purge

Purge/deletes entries in a repo

robin repo status

Shows status of transfers to and from repo

robin repo user-share

Shares a repo with one or more users

robin repo user-unshare

Stops sharing a repo with one or more users

19.1.4. Managing Application Backups

robin backup create

Backup an application snapshot to repository

robin backup delete

Deletes backup of an application snapshot

robin backup list

Lists all backups of an application

robin backup info

Shows information about a specific backup

robin backup status

Shows transfer status of backup to repository

robin backup user-share

Shares a backup with one or more users

robin backup user-unshare

Stops sharing a backup with one or more users

robin backup export

Generates a token for use when importing an application backup into another cluster

robin backup import

Imports an application backup from another cluster

19.2. Infrastructure Specific Commands

19.2.1. Managing Users

robin login

Logs a user into the Robin cluster

robin password change

Changes the password for the current Robin user

robin user add

Adds a new user to the Robin cluster

robin user list

Lists Robin cluster users

robin user update

Updates a user

robin user remove

Removes a user from the Robin cluster

robin user change-namespace

Changes the current namespace for a Robin user

robin user change-tenant

Changes the current tenant for a Robin user

19.2.2. Managing Hosts

robin host list

Lists all the hosts registered with the Robin cluster along with basic information

robin host info

Shows detailed information about a specific host

robin host probe

Rediscovers the host configuration including their state, drives attached, memory available etc.

robin host add-role

Adds a role to one or more hosts

robin host remove-role

Removes a role from one or more hosts

19.2.3. Managing Storage Disks

robin disk create

Creates a Cloud Disk (only for AWS, Azure, and GCP)

robin disk list

Lists all disks in the Robin cluster

robin disk info

Shows information about a specific disk

robin disk attach

Attaches a disk to a specific Robin node

robin disk detach

Detaches a disk from a specific Robin node

robin disk add-tags

Adds tags to a disk

robin disk del-tags

Removes tags from disk

robin disk update

Updates a disks attrubutes

robin disk evacuate

Evacuates volumes from a disk

robin disk remove

Deletes a disk

robin disk unregister

Unregisters a disk